Networking 101: Simple Steps to Networking With Alumni

Are you seeking an opportunity to expand your professional network and build a meaningful relationship with Alumni? As we all know, Penn State has the best alumni network in the country.  In this article, we’ll explore some simple steps to network on LinkedIn and effectively reach out to fellow alumni.

How to Start?

Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile: Before reaching out to anyone, ensure your LinkedIn profile is complete and professional. LinkedIn is a valuable tool that helps you build your online brand. You can use industry keywords in the profile, update a professional photo, and provide detailed information about work experience and leadership activities. Here is more information about LinkedIn tips.

Identify Alumni: You can utilize LinkedIn’s search feature to find alumni from Penn State accurately. On LinkedIn, you can search “Penn State University” and select “Alumni” under the “Connections” filter. Also, you can filter your search by “location,” “major,” and “job title.”

What can you do?

Personalize Connection Requests: Make your connection requests more engaging and relevant by personalizing each message. Remember to introduce yourself and your major. Also, you can mention your mutual alma mater and any shared experiences or interests. Adding a personal touch to your request makes it more likely to be approved.

Smeal Alumni Mentoring Program: The mentoring program is an excellent opportunity for students to build relationships with alumni. Student protégés can gain insights into career paths and develop their professional networks. This is a one-year commitment between the student and alumni. Facilities meaningful and mutually beneficial mentoring relationships between alumni and students. For more information, click this.

Attend Networking Events: Keep an eye out for alumni events or networking opportunities organized by Smeal College. You can find those networking events on the Business Career Center event page. Participating in such events is an excellent opportunity for students to meet alumni in person or virtually, fostering deeper connections beyond the digital realm.

Remember Follow-Up: Always remember to follow up after connecting with alumni. Periodically following up is an excellent way to maintain the relationship. This might be as easy as reaching out for a catch-up chat or congratulating email on their work anniversary.

Developing a professional network, particularly with other alumni, can be a highly effective strategy for career growth. By taking these easy steps, you can create a strong network of alumni contacts that could eventually lead to worthwhile opportunities. So why wait? Start connecting and networking today!

By Yi-Kai Peng
Yi-Kai Peng Career Service Intern