Intern Spotlight: Keith Oliphant

Keith Oliphant is a self-driven undergraduate at Smeal working toward a degree in Finance and Accounting. With excellent communication skills, a strong work ethic, and an open professional demeanor, Keith worked as a Recruiting Operations Intern for Penn State Football, while also maintaining a full-time student course load and high involvement in his extracurricular activities. Keith served as an Assistant to Charles Huff, where he compiled weekly statistics of prospective student-athletes in the Maryland, DC, and Detroit recruiting regions. He assisted Coach Huff with the development and distribution of weekly mailings to prospective student-athletes. Keith communicated with players, coaches, prospects and administrative staff to bridge all football activities in order to achieve a positively run program. Through this internship he gained experience in a fast paced work environment and learned the importance of hard work and communication in the workplace. Because of his success, Keith will continue to serve as an assistant to Charles Huff during his Spring Semester and will conclude his sophomore year as a Summer Audit Intern for KPMG.

By Kelsey Cillo
Kelsey Cillo