Practice Your Upcoming Virtual Interview with HireVue

Have an upcoming virtual interview you need to prepare for? As a Smeal student, you have access to HireVue to practice virtual interviews. Did you know, many companies that recruit at Smeal use HireVue for their virtual interviews?

Take advantage of this practice interview by HireVue to feel comfortable during your upcoming virtual interview!


  1. This is not a real interview, just practice. But it will look and feel like a real HireVue interview with our fictitious company – TotallyFakeCompany – including questions that are similar to those many of our customers use to interview students. It will not be reviewed by an employer.
  2. Your data, interview content, and gameplay will not be viewed by anyone or used in any way. Your information and interview will be deleted automatically in 30 days.
  3. You can come back and practice the process at any point in time.
  4. Sign up using your university email.


Register Here:

By Emily Tressler
Emily Tressler Marketing Communications Specialist