Thank You’s and General Communication

With today’s technology, there are lots of different ways to communicate with employers. Below are tips to ensure you are putting your best professional self forward.

Thank You’s and Follow-Up Notes:

Writing a professional email:

  • Send your email from an appropriate email address (PSU email or personal email that only has your name in the address)
  • Make sure the subject line is searchable – it needs to be a subject line that the employer can easily find and search your email at a future date
  • Have a professional greeting

Example (pulled from

“Hi [contact’s name],

It was great to meet you at [name of event] on [date]. I had a great time chatting with you about [something you talked about]. On your LinkedIn profile, it says you’re currently working on [responsibility in current job/organization or side project]—and [reason why it relates to you]. Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my email. I look forward to staying in touch. Have a great day.


[Your name]”

  • Keep your email short, but purposeful (no more than one paragraph – Who are you, why are you writing, and what question do you have?
  • If you are asking about a job or internship in the email, make sure you attach your resume as PDF.
  • End with a strong closing statement by thanking them for taking time to read their email.

Additional Resources: