
Roadblock in Your Job Search? Use the New Jobs Feature on LinkedIn

Have you spent hours, days, or even weeks scrolling through hundreds of job listings trying to identify the “perfect job title” that fits your interests? You’re not alone. One of the biggest challenges job seekers have is knowing what types …

By Hilary Sehring
Hilary Sehring
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LinkedIn features you may not be using!

LinkedIn is great way to connect and network with professionals who have similar career interests. Recruiters are quickly moving towards LinkedIn has a key way to source and find candidates for internships and full-time positions. With LinkedIn you can also …

By Sherry Rice
Sherry Rice Director of Professional Development & Programming
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Keeping it Professional: Social Media Platforms

How many of you would be comfortable giving your Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram account password to a potential employer? If your answer to this question was no, then you really need to start considering what “professionalism” looks like on social …

By Emilee Semple
Emilee Semple
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