Start the New Year Strong with these Top 10 Career Tips:
1.Add upcoming Smeal career fairs, employer info sessions, networking/recruiting events to your calendar and review career fair prep tips
2. Polish your resume by visiting the Business Career Center for …
Originally posted:
As an undergraduate in the US, you must have heard of LinkedIn. LinkedIn allows users to manage career opportunities, network, and demonstrate personal accomplishments. Through the platform, a person can find a job, explore a particular industry, …
As we adjust to a new way of remote learning, here are all the ways you can stay connected with the Business Career Center resources and events!
Career Prep Resources
We have resources for all your career needs! Everything from …
We are living in a time where everyone and their mother (literally), are on social media. And how could we not? Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, etc. are all exciting ways to interact with people and to gain all the likes and …
Almost everything in your life eventually needs an update—your car, your clothing, your Facebook profile picture. Just the other day, I discovered that my running shoes are so worn down I’m basically running barefoot.
Your LinkedIn profile is no different. …