#Adulting: How to compartmentalize

The idea of compartmentalizing is simple in theory, (breaking things up into different sections or “compartments”) but tough to put into practice.

In a time where everything has moved to the virtual sphere, it’s easy to get caught up in a routine of sitting at your computer all day long in one room to take care of your different responsibilities (class, work, internships, assignments, etc.). Instead, attempt to re-create your normal weekday routine as much as possible. Though it’s tempting to sleep in until 5 minutes before your class or work start time, it can actually help to wake up at your regular alarm and proceed just like you would have pre-COVID19.

Instead of sleeping in until 7:55 for that 8am class, try waking up to your regularly scheduled alarm, and use your normal “commute” time to walk around your apartment, house, or street. Whenever you would normally have breaks during your day to walk to a different building or grab lunch from the HUB, take those too. Break up the monotony of your day by maintaining as much normalcy as possible. Not only will this help keep your body on a schedule, it will improve your productivity by giving your mind small breaks throughout the day.

If you are doing virtual job or internship work in addition to your classes, try moving your workspace. Designate one area of your living space for work, one for class, and one for leisure. Separating these physical spaces can help put you in the right frame of mind to be successful in each location!

By Ali Chiavetta
Ali Chiavetta Graduate Intern