Evaluating Offers

It’s winding down to the end of the semester and interviews are almost done… until the Spring semester. If you’ve had a good semester interviewing and landing a few different internships or jobs, then this week’s blog will come in handy for you. With multiple offers, it may be hard to decide on which offer to take.

In order to make the right choice, it is important to make a list of categories that are important to you. When creating a list of categories, these are some very important ones to take a look at: salary, location, industry, benefits (for full-time job), and opportunities for growth.

Here is a sample of two full-time offers:

Company A Company B
Salary (1) $55,000 $62,000 ✔
Location (3) Connecticut ✔ New Jersey
Industry (5) Skincare ✔ Food
Benefits (4) Good benefits ✔ Good benefits ✔
Opportunities for Growth (2) Faster growth ✔ Moderate growth

In this example, you have listed your top five categories in evaluating an offer. The number next to the category indicated the importance of that category to your overall decision (1 being the most important). In this example, you may go with Company A. It was not the winner of your most important category, but it ended up checking off most of your boxes. Plus, the company is fast in terms of opportunity growth, so you may see yourself getting a raise or promotion faster than if you worked at Company B. Also, make sure to research the cost of living in the area the job is located in. The salary may be higher due to the areas high cost of living.

Some people do not need to do a thorough analysis; they may already have the answer without even knowing it. This situation played out in my own life when I was choosing between two co-op opportunities. I had been talking to my friends about two great opportunities I’d received and how I had no idea which one to choose. After a week, my friend asked me if I had chosen a company, but I was still undecided. For fun, he said he would flip a coin. If the coin landed on heads, I should choose that company, but if not, then it means to go with the other company. He asked me to choose a company to see if it would land on heads. Company A! He didn’t even have to flip the coin. I had made my choice and deep down inside, I wanted Company A to win the coin toss. I always knew I wanted to work for Company A. Sometimes we have the answers we are looking for before we even know it.

To make the best choice, use a combination of research and an analysis of the offer package. Most importantly, trust your gut instincts!

By Priya Samuel
Priya Samuel