Policies »

Student Organization Policies


The successful Smeal student organization will operate with respect to the following guidelines.

  • The organization and its members represent the Smeal College of Business, and they will abide by the principles set forth in the Honor Code.
  • The organization will conduct its business and relationships in a professional manner at all times.
  • The group will adhere to all applicable university policies, specifically those put forth by the Office of Student Activities and those which govern commercial activity on campus
  • An individual organization member will not leverage the organization in any way for personal gain.
  • Proper respect should be paid to university facilities, faculty, staff, and fellow students.
  • The organization will respect Penn State’s many relationships with recruiting companies.
  • An organization will fulfill agreements made with visiting companies and the Smeal

College of Business faculty and staff.

  • The group will maintain a consistent and professional web presence.
  • The organization and its members will abide by the policies set forth in this document

with respect to the Smeal College of Business internship program and the professional development services.


An organization’s failure to act in a manner consistent with the guidelines set forth in this document may result in the following actions being taken.

  • The group may lose access to funding opportunities.
  • The organization may restrict its ability to secure classrooms and other campus resources.
  • Depending on the situation, the organization may face university sanctions.

Situations will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. The organization will consult the student organization manager and refer to the student organization handbook for perspective on problem-solving and professional conduct. It is the responsibility of the organization to connect with the manager if you have any questions regarding these expectations, consequences, or surrounding circumstances.